Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Overindulge This Past Christmas?

He knows how you feel.

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  1. That's hilarious...lol! My nephew poked holes in the stick of butter at Grandmas this year.

  2. Give him a spoon! Great series of Photos! Happy New Year! :)

  3. He and my Punkin would get along so well!! When she was that age I had to treat the butter like a sharp knife - never in arm's reach! :)

  4. Actually I am feeling a little bloated from all the sugar I have consumed.

    He is a cutey!

  5. Wow, that is some addiction he's got going on there. Is he a one stick or more a day?

    Thanks so much Michelle...we got your note in the mail. What a very generous gift towards our adoption, I am overwhelmed by your generosity and so thankful for your friendship!
    What a blessing your offering was to us (and to God). Thank you, I know that IS a lot of money...especially right around Christmas.

    A real thank you is on the way...but just couldn't wait that long.

    Sending a huge hug and lots of kisses...6 days and I am going to hold that baby!

    Ethiopia currently has not limit on how many kids...I've been told the foster care system does...but will bend if you have the bedroom space...adoption through foster care is very inexpensive (almost free)...the Ethiopian adoption should have been $18,000 with our agency...but because Guatmala closed, and we had to go on hold once for the three wee ones to be adopted, unfortunately it was more than double that amount for this adoption. I do think $18,000 is very do-able...if you don't have it...just step out in faith and God will provide, He has a special heart for orphans you know. ;-)

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted


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