Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Not the King of Speed

My husband has never been very good at the card game Speed. (Not since he met me anyway.) Recently, at a family gathering, he won. Not once, but two times. Notice him holding up two fingers letting all the world know that he won twice. He was wearing sunglasses so his opponents couldn't see his 'poker' face.
He was relentless. He showed no mercy, and he was very proud of his accomplishment. You can tell by the sweat on his brow how hard he worked for those two wins. You would have thought he won the million dollar jackpot by the way he was a hootin' and a hollerin'. Here are his opponents:Two little girls. Our six year old niece on the left, and five year old daughter Duchess on the right.
Until the moms stepped in. I helped Duchess win twice and my sister-in-law and her daughter won a few rounds too. (O.K., so we took over for the girls--they got a little teary eyed when they realized they were no longer playing.) But it was worth it, we put the King back in his place and showed him that he may be the King of my castle but he is NOT the king of Speed!

Poor Jester, he is following in his father's footsteps. He won't be the king of Speed any time soon. Here he is showing everyone how many times he won. No fingers raised? I guess that would mean NONE!


  1. I haven't played Speed in so many years, I don't even know if I remember how...you may have to refresh me at the reunion...maybe we can take your hubby on!

  2. I'm with you frazzled farm wife! I haven't played Speed in years and I definitely don't remember how.
    Michelle, what a fun way to spend fun family time! I love playing games, especially with my fam!

  3. I am not great ay card games just like the king!


  4. Hi Michele! It's Theresa... we met at park day a few weeks ago. I saw your comment at Lisa's blog and just came to check your blog out (not knowing that it was you) until I had seen the pictures! :o)

    Hope to see you at park day again. I had fun chatting with you.


  5. Hi Michele, I'm nominating you for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award. You can stop by my blog to pick up the graphic and pass on the award (if you wish).

    I've enjoyed reading through your archives and you have a great sense of humor. :o)



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