One Tuesday afternoon, Squire and Scribe had been sent to their room to clean. They had been there for a few hours. Supper had been prepared and the rest of the family was waiting for them at the table. The King went up to tell them to come down to eat. Then we heard it, The King was upset. Squire and Scribe had not done as they were told. Disciplinary action took place. The boys came to the table sniffling.
Duchess just sat there. She did not say a word during the entire meal. She quickly finished her meal, took her dishes to the kitchen and disappeared. (Which was odd because she is usually one of the last ones done...and she didn't ask to be excused like she normally would.)
The rest of the family was still eating when we heard the hum of the vacuum cleaner. This is what we found:
She is such a sweetie!