Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Seventeen years ago today, the King and I were getting to know our first born son. We were young and so very proud of our beautiful baby boy. He was just a few hours old in the photo above. (Sorry it's so fuzzy, I had to take a photo of it because I was having scanner difficulties.)

Jouster has grown to be a handsome young man. He is smart. He is a dreamer. He is a gifted swimmer. He works hard at his job and is extremely disciplined at saving money. He has a tender side to him that he allows us to see from time to time. He will make a wonderful father some day. He is a blessing to us.

Last night he told me he is excited to be turning 17. I had to ask why. I was waiting for a profound, thought provoking reason.

His response: "Then I can get into R Rated movies without your permission."

Lord, help us.


  1. Doesn't that make you feel old to have a 17 year old??!! It's fun to watch them grow and turn into these neat young adults but it sure makes me feel a lot older!

    Happy Birthday Jouster!


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